
Which Milk Is Good For Pregnant Women

These days, with markets being stocked up with varieties of milk, you may find it difficult to understand which type of milk is suitable for you and your baby. If you have been worried about this, here is a low down on the types of milk that are available. Have a look and choose the one that suits you best. 1. Skimmed Cow’s Milk: If you don’t want to put on unwanted calories during your pregnancy, then skimmed milk is a good choice.  The cow’s milk goes through a process where the saturated fat content is removed to make it light. This process also reduces the fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and C which are highly needed during pregnancy. ·           One cup of low-fat milk provides 305 mg of calcium. ·           One cup of skimmed milk contains 83 calories. ·           Drinking 2-3 cups each day can help you meet most of your daily calcium needs during pregnancy. 2.  Cow Milk : The most common and demanded milk is cow’s milk. It is the most widely used milk a

7 Unbelievable Cow Milk Benefits

Cow milk seems to be everywhere, and is often taken for granted, but it has many important health benefits for humans, including its ability to aid in weight loss , build strong bones and teeth, boost the immune system, reduce fat, protect the heart , prevent diabetes , eliminate inflammation, and help stimulate growth. Table of Contents Cow Milk Health Benefits of Cow Milk Strengthens Bones and Teeth Heart Health Prevents Diabetes Promotes Weight Loss Inflammatory Issues Growth and Development Boosts Immunity Cow Milk No matter where you are on the planet, you’ve almost certainly come across cow’s milk. In most parts of the world, it is the primary animal milk consumed by humans, although goat, sheep, and even camel milk are popular based on the availability of animals. Cow milk (derived from bovines) is intended for sucking by young cows, just as human infants are often nursed with human breast milk. However, the nutritional value and availability o

Goodness Organic COW milk Amazing Benefits of Organic Milk

The health benefits of organic milk include having higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids and CLA, more antioxidants, and more vitamins than regular milk. Milk is one of the most important components of our diet as its consumption ensures healthy growth and development. Modern dairies, however, use different types of chemicals in milk production. These include pesticides and fertilizers for growing the fodder, as well as hormones and antibiotics that are fed to the cows. The excessive use of these chemicals in conventional milk production, and the harmful effects that they create, have resulted in an increased demand for organic milk from health conscious consumers. While organic milk retains all the benefits provided by non-organic milk, it also provides certain additional benefits. The health benefits of organic milk were researched by a team from the Danish Institute of Agricultural Research. The research, which was presented at one of the Annual Conferences of the UK’s Soil

Organic Milk Craze in India

 “This milk is healthier and free from adulteration. The farm it’s procured from feeds and treats its cows well, which adds to its overall quality. What exactly is Organic Milk? Farm-Fresh/Pure/Organic milk providers in India Let us, for a moment; understand the different terms that are being used to describe the same product. Technically, there is no such thing as organic milk in India as there is no certification available for this product currently. There is truth to brands that claim to be organic, however. When a brand calls itself organic it means its animals are free range and pasture fed; have not been fed any specialised grains or injected with growth hormones, and have been allowed to grow naturally, on a chemical free farmland. Some of them are even fed organic fodder. In most of these farms, the process of milking is fully automated, ie, the cows are milked via pumps, eliminating the instances of human contact and possible contamination. Such milk is also free

Nutrients in Milk and Their Benefits

Milk contains almost all the nutrients needed by the human body. It is a good source of protein and energy. Calcium helps to protect against bone loss, arthritic conditions, migraine and other headaches, premenstrual syndrome, osteoporosis, and fractures. It reduces the incidence of tooth decay. Milk is a good level of iodine, which helps in thyroid function. Potassium in milk helps to protect the heart and maintain blood pressure. Milk is a good hydration fluid. The milk solids nourish and smoothen the skin when applied externally and lactic acid removes dead skin cells.

Morning and Night-Goodness Organic Milk: Health Benefits of Drinking Milk

Cow's milk has been a part of the human diet for hundreds of thousands of years. It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals required for good health. For those who can digest it easily, cow's milk is a part of a healthy daily diet. ·          Whole milk contains under 4% fat. ·          Semi-skim milk contains under 2% fat. ·          Skimmed milk is almost fat-free. It has a fat content between 0.1 - 0.3% ·          A glass (200 ml) of milk provides 37% of an adult’s daily calcium requirement. To get the same amount of calcium as a glass of milk, one has to consume more than 11 portions of spinach. ·          Half a liter of milk is more nutritious than 250 grams of meat and three eggs. For more details visit-

Why cow's milk healthy for child life.`

Ayurveda describes the various types of milk in the dugdha-varga, among which cow’s milk is considered the best.  Cow milk is sweet, heavy to digest and has a cooling effect on the body and mind. It vitalises, nourishes and rejuvenates the body tissues, acts as a natural aphrodisiac, increases life expectancy, improves intelligence, strength, and increases breast milk in a nursing mother. It assists in easy movement (peristalsis) of intestines and relieves excessive thirst and hunger. It is useful in severe debility, relieving stage of fever, diseases related to the urinary system, bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding, etc. Cow’s milk is the next best thing to breast milk for the newborn. Cow’s milk has a revitalising effect on the psychological status of the one who consumes it regularly.