Organic Milk Craze in India

 “This milk is healthier and free from adulteration. The farm it’s procured from feeds and treats its cows well, which adds to its overall quality.

What exactly is Organic Milk?
Farm-Fresh/Pure/Organic milk providers in India Let us, for a moment; understand the different terms that are being used to describe the same product. Technically, there is no such thing as organic milk in India as there is no certification available for this product currently. There is truth to brands that claim to be organic, however.

When a brand calls itself organic it means its animals are free range and pasture fed; have not been fed any specialised grains or injected with growth hormones, and have been allowed to grow naturally, on a chemical free farmland. Some of them are even fed organic fodder. In most of these farms, the process of milking is fully automated, ie, the cows are milked via pumps, eliminating the instances of human contact and possible contamination. Such milk is also free of chemical preservatives or other additives.

Therefore, organic milk, in the Indian context, is the same as farm fresh milk, as both represent additive free milk from free range cows fed on chemical free pastures. ‘Farm-to-Table’ and ‘Farm-to-Home’ also are synonyms for the same.


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